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Our research

Our research aims to dissect mechanisms of epigenetic dysregulation in poor-prognosis childhood cancers, and to develop targeted therapies aimed at the epigenome. We apply novel tools to understand the epigenetic underpinnings of heterogeneity/plasticity. Epigenetic variability is a driving force in tumor evolution and resistance. By mapping the dynamic epigenetic landscape using methods that capture epigenetic variation, we identify non-mutated, epigenetically altered drivers of cancer which point to novel therapeutic vulnerabilites. We are applying these methods to epigenetically-driven, aggressive pediatric brain tumors including diffuse midline glioma (DMG/DIPG) and ATRT. More broadly, we are also interested in epigenetic plasticity in pluripotency/cell fate transitions, immune cell function, and aging.

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Lab News

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The team

  • Our team includes postdoctoral clinical and research fellows, graduate students, research scientists, and undergraduate researchers from diverse scientific and cultural backgrounds.
  • Our lab is part of the Center for Epigenetics at Johns Hopkins, an environment that fosters interdisciplinary collaboration among trainees and provides unparalleled resources for epigenomics research.
  • We are part of the Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences graduate program.

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Join Us

  • The lab is located in the Rangos building of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine's main campus (East Baltimore).
  • We are always looking for talented scientists to join the group!
  • Email: mak (at) jhmi . edu

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